Attention book lovers! I’ve set myself a fabulous reading challenge for 2023 and I’d love for you to join me.
I’ve only included 12 books in the reading challenge because I don’t want you to commit to something and then feel like it’s unachievable as the year progresses. However, I’ll also include an additional six books for those of you who will have no problem smashing through 12 books (or more) in a year.
I managed to read 29 books in 2022 – which is the most I have read in a very long time. You can check out my 2022 reading challenge here and you can see my favourite reads from 2022 here.
I’m going to try and read 30 books this year – which means less tv bingeing for me!
I can’t wait to get started on this challenge and hopefully find some new favourites that I can’t put down.
Must read books for Melbourne Mamma’s 2023 Reading Challenge
- A book with 23 letters in the title
- A book with water on the cover
- A book with a title starting with ‘The’
- A book with a three-word title
- A classic
- A book you keep seeing
- A book set in a different time period
- A book set in the city / town / state where you live
- A book with a number in the title
- A bestseller from 2003
- A book with a green cover
- A book about an inspirational person
Extra books to read
- A book you can finish in one day
- Re-read a favourite book
- A book you borrowed from a library
- A book you bought secondhand
- One of my favourite reads from 2022
- A crime novel
Let me know if you’re joining the reading challenge in the comments below (put your book titles in the comment section NOT the URL field) and feel free to come back and list the books you read throughout the year and let me know if you enjoyed them or not.
Keep an eye out for the books I’m reading and make sure you tag your own books on social media using #mmreadingchallenge2023
I hope you enjoy my 2023 Reading Challenge.