Just under a year ago I received an email from the super talented Bec at Motif Creative Design asking for my permission to enter my Melbourne Mamma’s Market logo, that she designed, into an International design competition.
Of course I said “yes”. I think my logo is fabulous, so I knew that others would think so too.
I was super excited when Bec contacted me again to tell me that my logo and another of her designs Luceo had been chosen to appear in LogoLounge7.
The book pays tribute to the brilliant work from top designers around the world. The LogoLounge website showcases the work of the world’s top designers as well as up-and-coming new talent, and this book presents the site’s best designs of the past year as judged by an elite group of name-brand designers.
Now the world will see my little babushkas and I hope they love them as much as I do 🙂
I am one of your logo lover too 🙂