Last Sunday, I certainly shopped up a storm at Melbourne Mamma’s Market.
The new venue at Willliamstown Town Hall was fantastic and with 37 local stores selling brand new designer label gear at 50-80% off RRP, I knew I was going to pickup some fabulous bargains.
Here are all the goodies I bought for my daughter. The RRP for all of this was $850.65. I paid $275!!!!
My haul included 6 long sleeve tops, 2 tees, 1 bikini, 1 swimsuit, 3 leggings, 1 pjs, 1 nightie, 1 short, 1 poncho, 1 zip hoodie, 2 dresses & 2 butterfly mirrors
My biggest bargains were a Purebaby dress reduced from $59.95 to $10 and a Lil Ludy bikini and one piece for only $5 each!
Here are all the goodies I bought for my son. The RRP for all of this was $363.50. I paid $160!
My biggest bargains were Esp Jeans reduced from $69.95 to $30 and long sleeve Oishi-m tees reduced from $39.95 to $15!
This haul includes 3 shorts, 1 jeans, 2 tees, 2 long sleeve top, 1 track pants, 2 storage baskets and a wall sign.
Now I just need to figure out how I’m going to fit all this gear in their wardrobes.
Anyone else grab some fabulous bargains on the day?
My first time for the Melbourne’s Mamma Market.
My husband and I managed to get some great bargains and funky designs for our little one which was great!
The only thing I think is worthwhile commenting on was that we found that the venue was slightly difficult to navigate around with a pram.
Starting with the entrance which had no ramp so parents had to lift their pram up the steps and once in, it was tricky navigating amongst other prams and people due to the venue space.
other than that it was a great shopping day with funky designs.
Hi Catherine
I’m glad you enjoyed the sale. Thank you for the feedback. The renovations at the hall that were due to be completed before the market (which included a ramp) were not finished in time, which is why everyone had to use the steps at the front entrance. Thankfully, there were staff available on the day to help everyone with their prams.
Unfortunately prams are always going to cause issues with space. One of the reasons I moved the sale to a much larger venue than the previous sales, was to allow for more space but it seems that the more popular the market becomes, the more shoppers and prams are attending. So I’m not really sure what the solution is. Lots of people have suggested banning prams from entering the sale, but I really want to avoid going the way of several other markets and sales where prams are not allowed within the venue, as it makes it more difficult for mums to shop and kinda defeats the purpose of the sale – which is to make it easier for mums to shop for everything in one convenient location.
I hope your little one loves the new threads and I hope to see you at the next sale.
Tracey x
Thanks Tracey for your response, much appreciated.
I agree with you that prams should stay and can confirm that there were staff available on the day to help everyone with their prams.
All the best.
Hi Tracey, great bargain!
What brand is that dark blue tee with white airplane?
Is there any market like that in Sydney?
Hi Andrea, always lots of fab bargains at my market 🙂
The tee is from Monstar Kids, here is the link